In the second episode of the podcast we chat with Olga Dayneko, a current student from our remote full-stack development 11-week course about how she decided to learn to code and what it was like doing the bootcamp.
Listen to the full episode and get all the deets here:
In the episode we cover:
O1:10 Olga introduces herself
01:45 What Olga was doing before the bootcamp
02:15 How she ended up becoming a QA engineer
03:20 How she decided to learn to code
05:00 Why she picked CodeOp as her bootcamp of choice
05:25 What makes CodeOp stand out as a community and coding bootcamp
06:30 What is it like doing a remote coding bootcamp
08:20 A walkthrough of an example day in a remote coding bootcamp
09:54 About the CodeOp teaching team
11:38 About CodeOp events
13:00 Her thoughts on the career coaching
14:30 What her classmates are like
15:20 Was she afraid to start the bootcamp
16:00 Memorable moments during the bootcamp
18:30 Final words for anyone that things they want to learn to code but may still be hesitant
19:45 Closing
Do you have a friend that wants to learn to code but is still hesitant? Feel free to share Olga’s story with them! ?? ?? ??